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The Universe of Digital Automation & Management at your fingertips!


BomGenio is an integrated information/document system; a manager of processes, demands and task automation. Much more than an integrated management system, BomGenio has the ability to:


  • Immediately locate any information or document across an entire platform

  • Relationally classify any information (by subject, department, product, etc.)

  • Supervise the identification of documents, messages and records

  • Supervise all financial-related information

  • Automatically monitor and control all accounting and contractual services

  • Automatically backup all information and documents

  • Scan and sort with 1 click

  • Comprehensively manage email (prioritization, histories, purging, etc.)

  • Automatically organize all photos, videos and music (including collections)

  • Ensure avoidance of duplication of all electronic content


BomGenio is the most robust, all-in-one, information management tool on the market today and truly must be experienced in order to understand its limitless applications!


Automated Information, Organizing and Management Technology


Global (currently Brazil)


A NewTower Holdings entity with a wholly-owned Brazilian subsidiary.


Licensing and subscription fees


USA and Brazilian Trademarks obtained. USA Copyright applied for.


Pre-Revenue. 100% operational via install packs and API

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